HelperLib V1.4 - Simplify Your Corona® Programming Experience (now supports scene manager!)

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HelperLib rapidly increases programming effectiveness with the Corona ® SDK. It consolidates a lot of code to provide an effective, easy to use solution to both common tasks and more complex actions.

With the ability to specify almost all required object variables & functions from a single object declaration, it keeps your code neat, tight and compact, and makes changes easy to make.

It is fast, efficient and memory conscious. It is a great library for new comers and experienced programmers alike. It makes memory management a breeze and gives you a lot less to worry about throughout development with its auto cleaning code. The only thing you really need to keep track of (if you conform to HelperLib’s API) is any Runtime Listeners you may add.

HelperLib Has the following features:

*) Object Spawning & Removal.
*) Director Class + Scene Manager Integration.
*) *Textfields in simulator.
*) Auto cleaning / removal of groups, display objects and listeners (bar Runtime listeners).
*) 77 Incorporated Effects (that can be applied to ANY objectType created with HelperLib)
*) newImage, newAnim, newSprite, newRect, newRoundedRect, newCircle, newLine functions that are solid, robust and advanced.
*) Stable Button library. (Supports 2 images, 1 standard and 1 pressed image variant)
*) Swipe library.
*) moveToPosition & rotateToAngle functions.
*) Easy data. Supports saving & loading either single value data or tables to and from a file.
*) Easy FTP – makes ftp sending / receiving a breeze.
*) Check for Internet connectivity, either with preset url or your own url.
*) Go to rating page. Function to direct your app to its rating page on the app store, just by passing your app id to the function.
*) Check if file exists function.
*) Easy Remove file function.
*) addDelayedListener function to delay adding a listener for your object by a user defined timeframe. (Useful for director)
*) Easier native alerts

It has the director class incorporated along with a solid and stable button library designed to take the headaches out of programming a GUI. It also auto prevents any subsequent button presses while a transition is in progress to eliminate any possibility of crashes or oddities occurring.

It also has a huge library of built in effects/animations (77 in total, with more on the way) that can be applied to ANY object you create using HelperLib. Such as lines, text, circles, rectangles, images, movieclips, spritesheets….

Another thing HelperLib takes care of is object spawning. With its easy to use API you can spawn an object in a small amount of code either with or without a physical body and set its required parameters and let HelperLib deal with managing the dirty stuff for you.

Closer Look:

HelperLib makes data easy. Whether you want to just store a simple single value (such as a highscore) to a file, or want to store a complex table or even just check to see if a file exists, it’s made easy thanks to HelperLib.

Online functionality is another big part of HelperLib. With the integrated simple FTP code, you can be sending or receiving data from a server in minutes. Other handy functions are the ability to check for an internet connection, either using the preset url or the url of your choosing, and also built in functions to direct a user to your apps rating page just by passing the app id to the function, and also to open a url.

Other actions such as Swipe are a breeze with HelperLib. With it’s built in swipe function you have swipe set up and working within minutes. It supports the standard swipes: up, left, right, down.

Textfields in simulator. These don’t support input (as of yet) but they do have a nifty feature. When you create a new text field using HelperLib, it automatically creates a “Simulated” text field that displays in the simulator. It has the exact same size and appearance as a standard textfield and automatically displays as the same size you have specified your textfield to be. This makes having to make device builds to position your text fields a thing of the past. When running on your device, the “simulated” text field is simply not displayed or called so it doesn’t use any additional memory.

A few other commonly used features are part of HelperLib. Such as rotateToAngle (can be used with any object type) or moveToPosition (can be used with any object type) all of these actions (including the effects) can be customized with your own transition type, time of the transition and more. Also included is a simplified native alert function, which saves a lot of code. HelperLib just makes it simple.


So what are you waiting for? HelperLib is available now for the Corona ® SDK for the special introductory price of €15. This offer is for a limited time only (standard price is €30), so grab it while it’s hot!

A full API listing is available here: Click here to view api listing

After purchase you will receive the HelperLib api + a full sample that demonstrates all HelperLib features & functions in use.

Note : Anyone who purchases HelperLib is entitled to a free upgrade to any future versions for life.

Want a feature adding to HelperLib that isn’t already included? Found a bug? Please send me an email to: support [at]


Did you write the director class?

views:1658 update:2011/10/15 21:01:16
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