CoronaSDK API Offline Guide

One major issue with the CoronaSDK documentation being online is the ability to retrieve it or access it in certain situations like when offline or not having access to the website for various reasons.

Presenting the iPhone version of the SDK Guide coming to the App Store soon.

Here are some images till then

If as a future user of the app, you have any feedback or comments, please go ahead and let me know now.



Cool! :)

I made all sample code and documentation into PDFs and put them on my iPad ;)


You stole my idea!!

Joking aside, I just finished downloading all documentation pages and cleaning them. I plan to make autocomplete and function description file for notepad++ out of it.

Looks great! Made with Corona right? ;-) Look forward to the release.

@waulok, good luck with the PDF files, they work not as great but they still do.

@ksan, in this case, it was created using Lua but not CoronaSDK as native controls are different from COronaUI controls.

@Chinmay, well I cannot help that I created the app, I was thinking of it since a very long time and was supposed to be part of the Code Generator Tool, etc.



Just curious. If I may ask, which tool did you use then? Wax? Thanks for sharing

I want this. Any timeframe to release?

yes it was Wax

@Raphael (BeyondTheTech), the only delay in its release will be Apple's Approval and getting the data for over 100 functions (data entry time) So maybe end of July to be optimistic.



Thanks for letting me know and best of luck. I look forward to seeing this released and buying it.

Looks very cool. Can't wait to use it!


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