Launching windows corona simulator causes freeze and AMD driver to crash.

This is the latest build and I am using the latest AMD drivers with a ATI 6850 and the latest official release of Corona Build 2011.591.

Any idea of what is wrong as I can't test anything?

NOTE: I cannot roll back my display drivers because I have to use the latest version for another project I am developing needs them for performance reasons.

Weird. Does it crash when you open a project or just opening the simulator?

Jordan Schuetz
Ninja Pig Studios

It crashes as soon as you launch so there is no way to open a project

That's really weird. Have you tried un-installing then re-installing Corona. I've never had that problem. Try updating your drivers.

Jordan Schuetz
Ninja Pig Studios

I have tried re-installing and as I mentioned I have the latest drivers.

Make sure you have OpenGL 1.1 or above.

How to check? I don't know. But am sure there is an option somewhere to see what OGL driver you have.


I definitely have OpenGL 1.1 as I am doing separate development specifically focused on OpenGL 3.2.

at a loss... we have the same ATI board here ... but no crashing on startup.

usually a crash at launch means that there is an incompatibility with the opengl init call within this context



views:1719 update:2011/10/19 14:58:09
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