Downgrade IOS

Hi. I would like to know if there is a way to downgrade IOS of my iphone 4. I upgraded my iphone 4 to IOS 5 and I would like to come back to IOS 4.

I have Xcode 4 installed in my Mac but I dont know where is the folder of IOS 4.3. to restore.

I need a help!!!

Does Apple allow a developer to make a downgrade of IOS?

I don't believe there are any methods to downgrade IOS

Thanks Anddrewscott.

I saw many sites on internet about how to downgrade but anything is official. So I ask to everyone: What´s the function of restore button on Xcode?

Hey Eduardo,

I think that "Restore" is to restore your system for the original factory setup. I am not sure btw.

PS: Assuming youre Brazilian as I am...

Eu acho que esse Restore que tem no Xcode serve pra você resetar o aparelho mesmo, ou seja, voltar pras configurações de fábrica e automaticamente, se o aparelho não é recente, ele deve voltar com o iOS versão 4 e alguma coisa. :)

PS: Como é mais fácil se expressar de forma "nativa"! lol

Um abraço,

Obrigado Rodrigo. Thanks Rodrigo. You´re right, I´m brazilian. Sorry my english. This is my e-mail Tell me yours. I finished my game and I would like to tell you the real release date.
About IOS restore. But you can choose others IOS in the box beside of restore button. Why?

About IOS restore. But you can choose others IOS in the box beside of restore button. Why?

Hi Eduardo,

Regarding your question, Yes, you can choose any of that others iOS versions and so if you choose the first one (oldest) so you should be able to get the phone as it cames from the factory.


E aí Eduardo,

Te enviei um e-mail, assim você passa a ter o meu também. Podemos trocar idéias sem problemas!

Em relação às outras versões de iOS que vc vê quando clica no Restore do Xcode, elas são todas as versões que você instalou no seu iDevice desde que o comprou. Então quando comprou o aparelho, por exemplo, se ele veio com o iOS 4.0, aí depois de um tempo você fez um update do iOS para 4.0.2, etc...todos esses upgrades vão ficar disponíveis para você lá no Xcode (restore), aí é só você escolher o que quer instalar e o telefone será restaurado com aquele iOS. É assim que imagino que isso tudo funciona.

Um abraço rapaz,

To downgrade you need to have jailbroken and stored the SHSH blob when you installed iOS4.

The only other way is to jailbreak and downgrade using something like redsn0w.

Neither methods are official, however the SHSH method would leave your iphone in the same state as if you had originally installed iOS4, while the jailbreak method would leave it in a 'rooted' state.

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