Android: APK install hurdle

Attempting to get my APK over to my Android device (HTC Droid Incredible 2). After struggling with getting Windows to see the device (finally found drivers at Motorola site), I now have several locations on the memcard to put the APK... but where?

So coming from iOS land, I was building my app then using Xcode to copy and install the files onto the device. What's the proper protocol for doing this on Android? Do I have to install the Android SDK on my system? (UPDATE: I have since installed the Android SDK] Essentially my colleague created the APK but I have the testing devices, just not sure how to install onto the device.

Thanks for any wisdom.

Maybe not the solution you are looking for but I always just email (using gmail) the app directly to the account that is linked to my phone. Then when I open the email on the phone I am given the option to install the app from there.

download a dropbox program, its free and awesomely easy to use for app testing on device

@Shane: the email to self, then install - brilliantly simple. Maybe not the most efficient, but sure did work - I thank you!!

views:1752 update:2011/11/19 17:31:56
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