Play user video [Resolved: Not possible]

Update: The only conceivable way for this to work is to have users upload a video to a website you own, then have your app contact that website.

I am almost positive that this can't work, but I'd love to be wrong. I want to play a user's video loaded into iTunes from my (iPad) app.

It would also work to have the user load a video directly into the app from their computer (or any other source, really).

The only way I can see this working is downloading from a server I control, but user video would be loads better.

Is this at all possible? Is there a workaround to playing an arbitrary user's video that I'm not thinking of (iCloud, webPopop...)?

I'm afraid that right now there's no workaround for this - you'd want to use your server. A webpopup would work if you could access the video but sadly you cannot access a users video from iTunes.


And this is a limitation of Apple's framework, not Corona's. Is it a possibility on Android?

I'm still going to use Corona for my app, it just won't have all the features I want :)

Thanks for the answer!

I'm not certain with Android, could you perhaps post a thread in the Android section of the forum asking about this? (Android isn't my department and by posting it there you're ensuring someone who is pro with that will see it ;))

Peach :)

views:1353 update:2011/11/25 8:45:21
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