antialias = false, Does this work with SpriteLoq?

I tried "antialias = false", in my config.lua file on a test with an individual sprite and it didn't seem to work.

It also doesn't work with ...

dimensions['_viewElement'] = {width = 320, height = 272}
        group.xScale = 4
        group.yScale = 4

Spriteloq is built on top of Corona's sprite API. If the sprite API supports it the Spriteloq API can support it.

Unfortunately, antialias = false is not supported for bitmaps at this point.

Yea, that's kind of devastating, you saw the image I had. That image would fit on the end of your thumb before being scaled. I think I can get away with x2. I'll do some test. I'll make this work.

You might want to put in a feature request to Ansca, to allow the option of nearest pixel matching for scaling. It would do away with a lot of the blurriness people are seeing with their images.

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