Can't access application value.


I use code on config.lua

application =
content =
width = 768,
height = 1024,
scale = "letterbox",
imageSuffix = {
["@2x"] = 2,
--- for levelHelper , you can change the value depends on your folder structure
LevelHelperSettings =
imagesSubfolder = "assets/sprites",
levelsSubfolder = "assets/scenes",
directorGroup = nil --The group where all objects will be added
---- for sprite helper , you can change the value depends on your folder structure
SpriteHelperSettings =
imagesSubfolder = "assets/sprites",
levelsSubfolder = "assets/scenes"

when i try to access the application value such as below,


Compiler said

attempt to index global 'application' (a nil value)

I am using 2011.715 version

Thank a lot.

views:1511 update:2012/1/9 8:53:30
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