Database feature questions.

Hello there,

I've not programmed in Corona SDK just yet, but I'm interested in purchasing it perhaps in the future.

The one thing that's holding me back is the database features, and especially how it handles large datasets; its something I'm unsure of and would like further in-depth information about.

Looking over the wiki at:, it gives little information on how it paginates large data sets.

For example, in Core Data you use a tool to help import batches at a time, and in SQLite you normally use the LIMIT/OFFSET rule for handling tableViews.

I'm wondering how Corona SDK's database library handles large data sets (4,000+ records), what the best practices are for this, what test runs / graphs are available, etc.

I realize that Corona is more targeted at games developers, but it still would be useful information.


Did you ever get an answer on the database stuff?

Corona uses SQLite so you can page your data using LIMIT/OFFSET.

I got an answer of sorts. I tweeted Anscamobile and asked for graphs, best practice and a working example; but instead what I got was a reply that said that one of their developers...

"...created a word game with over 200k sql entries in db..... Look at

Unfortunately I still do not know what this "Word game" was/is, whether its open source, where I can find it... and that URL is just "LuaSQL: Database connectivity for the Lua programming language", which I was already aware of and lacks any details.

I know I can use LIMIT/OFFSET, my question was: How to use it, what is best practice, what should I do to ensure large databases are handled properly, efficiently and what memory considerations should I be taking?

I am still no closer to graphs, usage/performance related stuff.

Anyway, if Anscamobile do intend to do a dedicated article on database interaction and focus on best practices than that'd be great.

I hope this answers your question.

views:2373 update:2011/9/17 17:36:57
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