last update of my game , there is video

last update will be available soon in apples store ,

check it out

Humm.. We can't see anything, the video is blurred. You should make a video capture on the simulator with Camtasia or other software.
It's very important to have good quality marketing material for your game!

you are right , but how can I use accelerator w simulator ??

this is the problem

I think someone did a software to use the accelerator of your iphone to control the simulator but don't know where to find about it.

Anyway, if you have no other choice to use your camera, use the "Macro" mode function (usually a flower icon). You should get a clear video.

yeah, very blurry... and useless for marketing purposes.

you could:
-- buy the corona remote app to use accelerator in simulator
-- add alternative controls (touch/mouse)
-- enable manual focus on your camera and tweak it until the image is sharp!


corona remote app is good solution for this ,

I will try it .

or also I have another solution , make the player moving randomly up and down , then use the

Corona SDK simulator , but still another problem witch is the face book link and Openfeint will not

work in the Simulator .

views:1844 update:2011/9/22 9:57:39
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