Android Publish website with error??


I'm trying to register into android market in this link

but when I click in "Continue", I back to the same page... anyone knows anything about it?

I couldn't log into my gmail for a short time earlier today with a message displayed from Google that it was a temporary thing and to try again in a few minutes, which I did successfully.

Is this fixed now? My situation makes me think it might just have been a (very) temporary issue.

Now it's working o.O

another thing...
how will I receive my money from app's purchased?
I did not see in anywhere a place to put my credit card

How this works?

and to compile for android, how do I do that?

I have the android license( corona )


Hey Dhennrich,

Yes, all websites have SOME downtime or issues at least once in a blue moon - glad it's up again now.

To build for Android;

Payments are made to your bank account. You can see it under your app list when you are logged in.

I have read this guide and I dont undestand how to do this:

"However, for release builds, you must sign with your private key. You can generate this key using the command line program Keytool."

may you help me with that?


Here's a really simple page explaining it;

That should help :)

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