sqlite Tables Lock - does Corona's LUA & sqlite engine support set_busy_timeout?

I have several sqlite functions which, when called, open various sqlite databases, transact, then close the file and nil out the variable assigned during the sqlite.open statement.

However, I am currently working with a few functions which perform UPDATE sql statement. I am getting Error Code 5 (database locked) errors.

I tried adding performWithDelay functions, but that really hasn't solved the issue.

I want to use the db:set_busy_timeout as shown at the following link, but I get an "ATTEMPT TO CALL METHOD 'set_busy_timeout' (a nil value) in the Corona Terminal.


Does anyone have any ideas on how to set up a series of functions which perform sqlite transactions in a way that avoids locked databases?

Much appreciated! ;-)

views:1373 update:2011/10/25 9:10:48
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